November 9, 2015

Carline and school projects

Hattie does not like car seat. No way around it, she hates it. Most of the time as long as the car is moving she is ok but the moment you even tap the breaks sister screams bloody murder. When Kade started school I had visions of sitting in the carpool line with 20 minutes of peace and quiet with Ella watching a movie and Hattie asleep in the car seat. I couldn't have been more wrong about that. I hate the car line. Hattie screams the entire time which in return makes Ella cry because Hattie is annoying her. It's a good time all around. I roll my windows down on nice days and I'm sure all the other car-liners hate us and wonder what in the world is happening in the mini van of terror. If we have enough time I take Hattie of her seat and she gets to hang out in the front to help control the chaos a bit. 

Just look at that smile. She isn't a dumb little babe, she knows exactly what she is doing. ;) 

I think she is thinking "Don't you ever put me back in that torture seat again." 

And for the record Bryan took her with him to pick Kade up the other day and he said she didn't make a peep. Of course she didn't. 

And in totally unrelated news Kade has his first school project. He named him Tex the Turkey! 


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