November 9, 2015

Halloween 2015

We had such a great Halloween this year, and according to Bryan it was our best one yet! We went over to some friends house for a Halloween party and to trick or treat. They had a tractor and trailer set up as a hayride to take us all trick or treating around the neighborhood. It was
so fun!! There were a lot of kids and the neighborhood was dark so it was a little stressful keeping count and making sure everyone stayed together. Kade was a giant blur all night, he was running with all his friends from house to house so fast that it was hard to keep up! Ella tried keeping up but her a few of the girls were a lot slower and took their time going from house to house. And Hattie was strapped my chest and happy as can be all night. :) 

My sweet little Leia! 

And precious Luke Skywalker! 

The adults were all dressing up so Bryan and I pulled out a box of costumes from our party a few years ago and were hippies? Or just a mix different stuff we found in the box.

Some of the crew getting ready
To go! 

Our ride! 

I turned around and Kade was back in the trailer. He said I'm done, my pumpkin is full and I am SO tired. This boy ran A LOT that night!

We got back to Ryan's house and the kids played their hearts out for the rest of the night. Once we got in the car Kade and Ella crashed immediately! 


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