November 21, 2015

November randoms

Early morning snuggles

Ella has days where she is soooo bored now that Kade is in school. She spends most of her day asking if it is time to go pick him up. They are best little buddies and it makes me sad for her. One day she asked to jump on the bounce house and she just hung out there all by herself. I looked out at one point and she said she wanted to take a nap on it. :) 

The girls matching Christmas outfits came in so of course we had to try them on. I can't get over all the adorableness. 

Once we are home for the day Ella will change her outfit 200 times. From pj's to dress up clothes to everything in between. I never know what will greet me when I say it time to go pick Kade up. I thought this ensemble was pretty special. ;) 

Texas caught up to these guys! 

Looking at this picture you can almost smell the squeaky clean baby. It is the best smell on the planet. 

We are swaddle free, woohoo! 


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