November 2, 2015

October Happenings

So much randomness from the past two weeks. 

The trees started changing a lot about two weeks ago, now they are all different colors!! 

Bryan took this picture at baseball because he said it looked like
I was holding a little 80 year old. :) 

The other day I left the grocery store and by some miracle both girls fell asleep. I took extra time and drove around and enjoyed the moment. It was gorgeous out! 

Costco shenanigans 

Pumpkin painting with my middle pumpkin

Bryan's coworkers sent the kids these capes, they are so cute!! 

Ella wore her cape for costume day at dance! 

The backyard right now is gorgeous, I was standing in the kitchen cooking dinner and I just couldn't quit staring outside. I tried snapping big a picture but it just doesn't do it justice at all.

This is the only picture Ella let me take at her Halloween party at school. Little stinker. 

Last Friday I volunteered at school for Kade's "fall party". I was in charge of a
craft table and all the kindergartens rotated through 6 stations. Lets just say that over two hours of arts and crafts with 5 and 6 year olds, with a baby strapped to your chest, and a very whiney 4 year old by your side is pretty darn exhausting. Bless all the kindergarten teachers out there. 


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