November 3, 2015

Pumpkin carving

Halloween snuck up on us this year! Time needs to slow down because I swear Hattie was born and I blinked and it was already Halloween. We had friends over on Friday with the intentions of carving pumpkins. But the kids were having fun playing and the adults were enjoying adult conversation so that idea went out the window. We ended up carving them the afternoon of Haloween, talk about last minute! 

Kade and Ella drew the faces they wanted on the pumpkins and for the first time ever they both cleaned out the guts. After that I carved the faces they drew. They were so excited! Kade always picked triangle eyes for his pumpkins and he made a scary mouth this year. I loooooove Ella's pumpkin because when she draws a face on anything she does huge circle eyes that are way out of proportion. I love that the face on her jack o lantern was the same. :) 

I think Ella was trying to be scary like a ghost. :) 


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