August 14, 2015

8 years

8 years (and a few days) ago I married my best friend. I always hear people say that marriage is hard but honestly these past 8 years have been the best years of my life. I love being married to my best friend. It makes life that much sweeter. 

You know your 9 months pregnant on your anniversary when this is what your husband brings home. I couldn't think of anything better, all my pregnancy favorites! 

And I want this story written down because I think it's funny and typical for parents of 3 (well almost) young children.

 We had a babysitter lined up on Saturday night. Kind of a last date night out/anniversary celebration. We wanted to enjoy a nice long dinner without the kids and we were looking forward to it all week. Earlier in the day we bought tickets to go to a movie and would go to dinner afterwards. I jumped in the shower to get ready and somehow I slipped and fell and landed on the side of my stomach. The baby was moving just fine but we decided to call the dr just for peace of mind. It turns out any fall requires a trip to the hospital to be monitored for 4 hours. Ah man, of all nights for this to happen! I drove myself up there and Bryan was going to come up once the sitter got to the house. A long story short, when the nurse and my dr heard that we had a date night they decided to only monitor for two hours with a promise to come back ASAP if I had any symptoms that they listed. We missed our movie, we ate dinner at Chedders of all places, made a return at lowes, and stopped for dessert on the way home. Date night obviously  didn't go as planned, my hair  pulled back in a wet bun with a baseball cap and no make up on was not how I was planning on dressing for a night out with my husband, but that is life! And honestly we had a lot of fun and laughed about it all night. And most importantly our little babe was just fine so that is all that really matters. Marriage isn't always glamorous but I love these moments just as much.  


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