August 26, 2015

Hattie's Birthday

Our precious baby girl is 9 days old and we are loving every single minute with her! She is absolutely perfect and we can't stop staring and loving on her!

A few weeks before my due date I discussed inducing at 39 weeks with my Dr. As much as I would have loved to wait and have her naturally, having a plan when your have zero family nearby is kind of nice. We scheduled the induction for August 17th and my parents booked their flights for the 16th.

The day before she was born we headed to church, it was out last little outing as a family of 4!

39 weeks pregnant and one of my last belly pictures ever! And just in case I ever forget, I was incredibly uncomfortable in this picture. My hips felt like they were breaking every step I took. It is crazy how fast we can forget those little details. :)

The last picture with just these two!! Within 24 hours there would be 3!!!!!

We took a poll, boy votes outweighed the girl votes!!

Up bright and early the morning of the 17th and heading to the hospital!

My dr got the hospital around 7am and checked on us and broke my water. Shortly after they started me on a low does of pitocin. My contractions stayed regular so they kept the pitocin low since it was doing its job well! I got my epidural and we rested for several hours. Around noon I could feel a lot of pressure and knew we were getting closer. I called the nurses in not long after that and sure enough it was go time! After a few practice pushes they called my Dr to come back to the hospital. Bryan said I pushed for about 30 minutes and then there SHE was!!! I was in COMPLETE shock! I just knew without a doubt that we were going to be bringing a little boy home from the hospital. Even Bryan, who voted girl, said deep down he really thought it was a boy. The excitement and surprise in the room was so much fun. It makes me wish I would have watied to find out that way with Kade and Ella as well. It was just so surreal and amazing. It is crazy to me that all along I thought boy and now that we have this little girl, she is EXACTLY what our family needed. She is perfection. Absolute perfection.

 Both of my nurses and my dr were amazing! The entire experience was just perfect.

Hattie was on the larger size for her gestational age. At 39 weeks she was off the charts for height and weight and her head was in the 90th percentile. Due to that she was labeled LRG (large, hahaha) and had to have her heel pricked and blood sugar checked before and after every feeding for 24 hours. The nurse said basically any baby who is big or small on the charts has to have it done. After her first check her blood sugar was very low but after skin to skin and feeding her it went up to the normal range and stayed there! I just hated that she had to have her heel pricked so many times!

Loving on his second baby girl!!

 Kade and Ella met her shortly after she was born but that deserves its own post!



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