August 14, 2015

Lovey's for the baby

Expecting this baby as a family has been way more exciting than I realized it would be. Kade was 16 months when we found out about Ella and had just turned 2 when she was born. He was so little and he didn't have a clue what was going on. Being nearly 4 and 6, Kade and Ella really grasp the idea of a baby in my belly and that they will have another brother or sister. Now they still get confused about stuff, they argued the other day about whose room the baby got to play in first so we have been talking about what a newborn baby is like when they are born. 

That being said, Kade tells me numerous times throughout the day that he just can't wait any longer to meet the baby and every night that I tuck Ella in she hugs my stomach and gives the baby a kiss. This little babe is all we are talking about around here and the 4 of us are dying to meet him or her!! 

I took the kids to build a bear to make a special bear or lovey to give to the baby when he/she is born. I want them to feel as a part of this whole thing as possible. They both agreed that the baby needed a lovey to sleep with at night just like Kade has Blue and bear and Ella has her pile of who knows what that she needs to sleep with her every night. :) 

Kade chose a teddy bear and Ella chose a puppy! 


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