August 30, 2015

Ella is FOUR!!!

Ella turned 4 on Thursday. She woke up SO excited and was certain she grew overnight. She really wants to be a 5 year old so she is really excited to be one year closer to that. :) Ella is at the best she ever right now. She is my little buddy and loves to do everything with me. I love that! She lives in a world of make believe and is very girly. She keeps us on our toes and is without a doubt the most hilarious kid I've ever been around. I love watching her grow up! 

Last picture as a 3 year old! 

And I have to add this one because this is the first look I got. 

She is so excited to be a 4 year old! 

We had Kade's meet the teacher this day so we got dressed and went up to the school. Afterwards I asked what she wanted to do and she said she wanted to play at chic fil a so that is just what we did! 

She didn't eat her lunch but really wanted ice cream. I decided on your 4th birthday if you want ice cream for lunch then you can have ice cream for lunch! She was thrilled! 

Skipping nap/quiet time an watching a movie! 

Present time! 

This picture sums up our Ella Claire. So full of life and personality!

Happy Birthday Ella Claire!!!!!


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