August 11, 2015

The weekend

This weekend was super low key. I kept thinking in my head that this could possibly be our last weekend as a family of 4! I'm sure we will make it another weekend but oh well!

Saturday morning we woke up and it was GORGEOUS outside. It felt like a fall morning! Ella and I went to my favorite "flea market". It is right up the road from our house and everything is over priced but I still love to walk around! And Ella loves to look for treasures!

We ran by the house to pick up Bryan and Kade and we were off to the batting cages. The little league Kade plays in goes from Tball to machine pitch. When you are 6 you can pick to play up or down. After talking with our friends on the team we knew that they just couldn't do another year of tball. It was ridiculous last season because their team was so much better than the rest but we (well the mom's were:)) worried that machine pitch was just too big of a step for these guys. They are still so little! The ball will be a hard ball and be thrown 40 mph. That scared me! Kade said for sure machine but we wanted him to try it out before we signed him up. After watching a few pitches he stepped right up and did awesome!! He hit the ball a lot and at one point he yelled out "I LOOOOOVE BASEBALL!" That kinda solidified the decision right there. He is definitely ready and loves every second of it! Bryan and I got a kick out of his hands hurting when he would hit the ball. He would hit and then laugh and jump up and down shaking his hands but then would be back and ready for the next ball. it was really fun and he is already asking when we can go back!


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