August 11, 2015

K & E's Drive in Theatre

Two weeks ago we celebrated Kade's 6th and Ella's 4th birthday with an outdoor movie party. It was several weeks early but with the littlest sibling's pending arrival we figured it would be the best time. Kade and Ella had the time of their lives and were so excited that all their closest friends were coming over to celebrate with them!

Bryan and I had a lot of fun with the theme of this party and we just loooved how everything turned out! It
 was a fun day of celebrating our two big kids!

Anytime we have a party I am terrible about taking pictures. I tried to snap some but honestly we were so busy that it was the last thing on my mind. I am thankful for friends who grabbed my camera to snap pictures throughout the night for me!!

This is the only picture I have of our two party kids!!! This was around midnight, people hung around and the kids played until 11:30. The kids were exhausted, sweaty, dirty, and had the time of their lives!


mel @ the larson lingo said...

This is AMAZING!!!! I LOVE this party idea! So awesome!!!!! Great job! :)

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