August 30, 2015

Kade is SIX!!

This past week Kade turned SIX! I can't believe it! Six sounds so grown up! Kade amazes me on a daily basis. He loves outer space, baseball, and Legos. His brain never turns off and he is full of questions all the time. As sad as I am that he is growing up I absolutely adore watching him grown and mature into his own person. 

On his birthday he called all the shots! We had a great day celebrating Kade! 

His last picture as a 5 year old!!

Ella and I woke him up singing Happy Birthday! 

We got dressed and went to play at a bounce house place. 

So excited to be SIX!!

He asked for Mexican food for lunch. :)

He waited all day to open his presents. 

Happy Birthday Kade!!!!!!!!


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