August 11, 2015


We have been taking it slow these past two weeks. I am exhausted but in reality I am really trying to soak up these quiet moments at home with Kade and Ella. The baby will be here soon and in 3 weeks Kade will be in Kindergarten. Our life that we have known for the past 4 (well really 6) years is going to be completely flipped upside down. Spending my days at home with Kade and Ella are far from easy but I have seriously loved every second of my job as "stay at home mom." I love being able to spend my days at home with these little people. We have the best time and I honestly do not know what life is like without being around them 24/7. As anxious as I am about sending Kade to school, it is Ella who I worry the most about. She loves her brother so much and they are seriously the best of friends. She isn't going to know what to do with herself with her playmate is gone all day. It breaks my heart because I don't want their relationship to change! 

Between a new baby, Kade turing 6, Ella turning 4, Kade starting Kindergarten, and Ella starting preschool all within the next month I hope Bryan is up to the challenge of keeping it all together for us. On a normal day I will be a ball of emotions but mix in postpartum hormones with all that and YIKES! He might need an extra prayer or two!

Ella got a lego set and she was so excited! She has been making all sorts of stuff.... This one however is super creepy. 

I love our little deer family!!!


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