August 30, 2015

Kade and Ella meet Hattie!

We talked for 9 straight months about the baby and the kids were beyond excited for a new little brother or sister. However I was still nervous about how they would react. My only experience was when Kade met Ella and it wasn't the big wonderful moment I had pictured in my head. He was only two so I know that played a huge part but because of that I kept my expectations low. I thought they would come in be excited to see him/her and then move on quickly. I couldn't have been more wrong. The meeting of this trio was absolutely amazing. I have watched the video of the big kids meeting Hattie probably 100 times.

They were both wanting a brother but the moment they walked in and I said it was a girl they were both SO excited! They were incredibly sweet to Hattie and kept saying how much they loved her and how cute she was. Ella was a little apprehensive because the nurses still hadn't done Hattie's first bath so she thought it was a little bit "bisgusting." She warmed up fast and couldn't wait to hold her. Kade was unbelievably precious and I saw a side of him I hadn't seen before. He was so soft and gentle and spoke in the sweetest voice to Hattie. It made me tear up just watching. My wonderful nurse asked Kade and Ella if they wanted to help give Hattie her first bath and they were all about it! They were included in the entire thing and I couldn't have been more thankful! The experience of these three siblings meeting for the first time goes up there as one of the best moments of my life.

This is one of my favorites. Hattie was screaming during her bath and Ella said it was driving her crazy, haha! She told Bryan he need to leave because he was making Hattie angry. This girl is a hoot!

They couldn't wait to give Hattie their bears they made!


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