October 5, 2010

Crazy scientist hair

When Kade was born, he had a decent amount of dark hair. Then somewhere around the 3 month mark my little boy went bald...very bald (minus a strip on the back of his head.) Slowly over the course of this last year he had FINALLY started to get a decent amount of hair. Most of it is on the back of his head, but we were willing to take whatever we could get.  Around 9-10 months he started to get the most precious baby curls around his neck and ears and I thought there was NO way I would ever cut his hair. Well, just a few short months later those sweet curls turned into these straight, stringy, frizzy, semi curls- we started calling it his crazy scientist hair. After a few weeks of discussion (discussion = Bryan telling me it was time to cut it and me ignoring him) I decided it was time for the cut. And at the ripe old age of 13 months, Kade got his first haircut! I, surprisingly, wasn't as sad as I thought I would be!

Here he is the before!

Crazy scientist hair!

Getting all ready to go.

The finished product..I am not a fan of the mohawk, I prefer the comb over :) Kade was also "over it" at this point.

Weekend of firsts...

We had a wonderful, fun filled weekend! It was a weekend of a lot of firsts for the big man. Bryan was off on Friday so we took Kade to the State Fair for his very first time. I LOVE the fair and everything that goes along with it (including all the fried food :) The weather couldn't have been any prettier and Kade was just perfect the whole time we were there!

Kade and Big Tex

The whole gang.

Next on the list was to get Kade his very first State fair corn dog! I think he loved it!

Then a stop by the petting zoo...

A little stop inside the children's aquarium. 
And we finished the day playing in the children's museum!
And this is what I saw about 2 minutes after getting into the car...
 Saturday, I took Kade to a birthday party. My social little boy has 3 parties in the next few weekends! Later that night, I ditched the boys and went to a wedding with Lauren. We had a blast and danced the night away :) And on Sunday Kade got his very first haircut...but I will save that for the next post! 

September 21, 2010

The Great Outdoors!

Lately, we have been spending A LOT of time outside. Kade spends most of his day standing at the front door, banging on it and pretty much begging (in his own way :) to go outside. Now that the weather has finally cooled off (I am not sure if you can count 90 degrees as cooling off, but we will take it!) a little we are enjoying the great outdoors. He loves to get all of his machines- tractor, cozy coupe, little tykes car- and push them up and down the driveway. We have also been going to the park a lot, but that needs to be a whole other post. We are working on trying to listen while we are outside, it isn't going too well. I think there is just too much going on. Inside, Kade can follow simple commands like "Please bring me (fill in the blank.)" Or, "Come into the kitchen, it is time for lunch," etc. When we are out he runs like a maniac in any direction, towards the street, and pretty much anywhere else he is not suppose to go. I guess he likes the freedom, but he has to learn that there is reason for rules! Here are a few pictures of our time outside!

Where's Kade? Not listening, that is for sure :)

September 16, 2010

Halloween PJ time!

I love these PJ's. They were a gift for Kade, and he was worn them so many times since he got them. Every time he has them, Bryan has to throw in his nerdy Star Trek commentary And calls him Bones, apparently some Trekkie is named Bones? Enjoy!




September 15, 2010


I started taking Kade to a Musikgarten class with a few friends from our playgroup. Kade loves music, he has from the start. When Bryan comes home from work they will usually go play guitar and piano and K shrieks in excitement the whole time. So, I decided to put him in the class - it is once a week for thirty minutes, and it included take home supplies (rhythm sticks, bells, and a CD.) Personally the class isn't too exciting, we do a lot of singing, tapping to the rhythm, even a little dancing. But Kade loves it, he gets so excited every time we go. His favorite part is when the teacher brings around a giant drum for the babies to play on. This past Tuesday he thought it would be appropriate to climb on top of the drum. My little boy sure is crazy! He are a couple of pictures our friend Allie took!

Kade with his friends Autumn and Emerson playing on the drum.

And then it was time to climb on top.

September 14, 2010

Bring on the Rain!

Last week we had TONS of rain, there were actually floods and tornadoes in the metroplex. It was crazy. BUT we were prepared. I remember when Kade got this raincoat (that has matching rain boots) I thought he would never fit into it. It is still a little big and will last for a while, but his mama thinks he is stylin'!

Entering the Blogging World..

I have finally caved. I decided to make a family blog. I LOVE to read blogs, I mean really LOVE to read them. Especially mom blogs. Once I found out that their were companies that will turn your blog into a scrapbook, say at the end of every year, I decided to take the plunge. I want to remember every second of my life right now because let's face it, my life is pretty awesome thanks to my wonderful husband and ridiculously cute little boy. Since I can't freeze time, which I would love to do, I decided this was going to be the best way for me to preserve all the memories of our day to day life. It probably won't be exciting to anyone other than Bryan, myself, and our Mom's, but I am not here to impress anyone. So here we go...I just really hope that I keep it up. Months ago when I told Bryan I was thinking about starting a family blog, he laughed and said "ya we will see how long that lasts..." I WILL prove him wrong!