October 26, 2015

6 year old Kade

I I have been saying it for a while now but I feel like we are in such a sweet spot with all the kids ages. Kindergarten has gone way better than I ever imagined. I knew it would be good and Kade would like it but I just wasn't prepared for how awesome it was going to be. Watching Kade grow and turn into his own person has been so amazing. 6 is a funny age, he dreams of being a big kid and in so many ways he is but at the same time there are still remements of baby in him. I really love this age, old enough to be more independent but still so very innocent. There are so many things I want to remember about 6 year old Kade.

He still sleeps with blue and bear. Bear has a bell in his hat so I can hear Kade waking up every morning. He wants breakfast the moment he wakes up, he has been that way since he was born. He is a Lego fanatic, he did a 700 piece set all by himself in a matter of a day recently.  He has a heart of gold, he doesn't like to see people upset or know that he has hurt someone's feelings. He is a rule follower and doesn't like to get in trouble. The behavior chart at school is a big deal to Kade, they start on green and can move up to blue or down several colors. He has spent more days on blue than he has on green and we are so proud of that. When I drop him off at school he can't get out of the car fast enough to run up and see his friends. He seems so big but when I watch him walk in and I see his Mario backpack hanging sideways and crooked on his back I am reminded just how little he still is. He is a superstar when it comes to reading, I'm amazed on a daily basis on just how well he is reading now. He loves fruit and will request fresh stawberries dipped in honey for his snack over anything else. He has a great sense of humor and is now telling jokes and he cracks himself up. Most of his jokes involve poop and farts and that pretty much goes for all 6 year old boys. He thinks Bryan hung the moon, it's amazing to see how much a little boy needs their Dad. He loves playing all sports but at 6, baseball seems to he his favorite. He is a very coachable kid and takes direction very well. I also never want to forget his "baseball dance" that he does when he is bored in the field. He loves to slide and get his pants dirty. He can burn through tennis shoes faster than I can buy them, he wears the sides out with holes and I have no idea how it happens so fast. He thinks it's fun to run sprints and have us time him.  He can tie his shoes and says he helps other kids at school tie their shoes. He tells me when he grows up he wants to be an astronaut and his favorite book to read at night is the space encyclopedia. He knows more about space than most adults. He has a crazy memory and just he other day was reminding me about something from his 3rd birthday. Bryan and I have learned to not question whether he was making something up or not because most likely it is just his insane memory. His chores at this age are bringing in the trash cans and making his bed. He is the sweetest big brother. His best friend is Ella and he loves on Hattie any chance he gets. He loves minecraft, the Wii, and his favorite cartoon is Teen Titans. He hates running errands and tells me on the drive to school everyday to make sure I get all my errands done while he is at school. When I do have to take him with me he forgets how to act in stores and it is stressful for everyone. He isn't shy at all, he is such a talker and asks 1000 questions about everything. He is cautious and sometimes he like for his sister to try something out first before he does. If he is in a busy room he likes to stand back and observe for a little bit before he jumps in and joins everyone. He had his we'll visit last week and he was in the 90% for height (48 inches) and 70% for weight. I found that shocking because he is so skinny.

I just love all the things that make Kade who he is. He is unique in his own ways and getting a front row seat in watching him grow and develop into his own little person is so amazing. 

October 25, 2015

Ella's first field trip!

Last week Ella's preschool took a field trip to the pumpkin patch! She has always tagged along on Kade's preschool field trips but this time it was all about her and she was SO excited! And I think the most exciting part for all the kiddos was riding an actual school bus to the pumpkin farm. Hahaha! 

I wasn't able to ride the bus because of Hattie so Ella sat with her teacher and Ms Molly told me Ella had a lot to say on the ride down! Ha! 

I was trying to get a smile but she couldn't stop "oink-ing." 


Leading us through the corn maze.


October 22, 2015

Hattie Ross- 2 months

Hattie turned 2 months old last Saturday! I say it all the time but I can't believe she has been around for two months! 

Hattie's second month was really wonderful. We worked through a lot of her newborn issues her first month so her second month we have all been happy and really enjoyed every second! Around 4 weeks we found out that she has reflux and her dr put her on Zantac and that was a game changer for little Hattie. After a few days on that her nights and sleeping situation did a 180. She was back to sleeping most of the night instead of crying most of the night and that made us all much happier! She is now sleeping all the way through the night and has been for about 2 weeks. We bathe her, swaddle her, and the put her down in her crib anywhere between 7-8:30 and she will sleep until about 6, give or take an hour. It is wonderful!! 

Another big milestone this month has been smiling! She smiles ALL the time and it is the best thing ever. We all talk to her and act like goofballs just to see her adorable little grin. 

She still hates her car seat and that has been a little stressful. I've never had a baby hate their car seat so this is all new to me but hopefully she works it out soon. For the most part when we run errands I just strap her to my chest in the baby carrier and she is as happy as can be and I love it as well. 

She did great at her 2 month appointment. She had to get a few shots which I always hate but it's better than the alternative! 

Length: 24 inches (90%)
Weight: 11.8 lbs (60%) 

I have so many pictures and to most they probably all look the same but I love them all. :) 

October 19, 2015

Pumpkin patch

Yesterday we took the kids to the pumpkin patch. It's my favorite fall activity!! It's was a chilly 55 degrees and an absolutely perfect fall day!!

Hattie bear was excited for her first trip. 

These two were exxxxxcited. 

We hit up the corn maze first. 

Next up was a hayride around the farm. 

My biggest kid got in on the fun ;)

We went home, got our jammies on, and watched Charlie Brown by the fire. Such a fun afternoon!