January 28, 2013

Swinging and 'Nocilars'

Just a normal day at the park. These babies LOVE to swing!

When we got home from the park we had a little bit of time before naps, I heard Kade run out of the playroom saying, "someone is coming! Let me use my nocilars, protect the treasure!"

I love his big imagination! And that he was using cups from his kitchen as his 'nocilars!"

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January 26, 2013

Western day

Kade's school had western day last week. They had pony rides and a petting zoo! It was a lot of fun, and I loved that Ella got to participate as well! It's crazy now that she is old enough to participate in things! I have to split my time with the two and usually leave exhausted because I have run from one kid to the next and back again! I love all the fun activities that Kade's school puts on! We love FFP!

Kade looks so big to me in this picture :(

Kade's class! Minus one who was absent.

Five out of the eight in his class!

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Family night fun

I found these on my phone from last Friday night. They are too cute not to post :)

While we waited for our table at the restaurant Kade and Ella were dancing maniacs. I mean they were going to town! Kade is in the middle of a "booty shake" here :)

After dinner we stopped to walk around Lowes and grab a few things. I know, our Friday nights are just too exciting to handle!

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January 22, 2013

Ohhh Ella

This is going to be totally random but the little E has been doing quite a bit lately. She had a big nasty fall which resulted in a huge bruise on her face. We got her hair in a full on real deal pony tail. That is EXCITING! And on to actual milestones, she is eating 100% with a fork and spoon! It is messy, messy, messy but she insists on doing it herself and is improving daily!

I'm so proud of this little lady!

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January 21, 2013


Today has been a day of not leaving the house. Main reason is that we have had someone here working on our broken kitchen sink faucet. Either way, I am not a fan of staying at home all day. The morning is our time to get out, run errands, go to the park, or whatever else we might need or want to do. I have taken a few pictures of the kids this morning that just make me laugh. Ella has taken to climbing. She climbs and stands in top of everything. I keep finding her standing on top of things and it sort of freaks me out!

I heard something in the bathroom and found this :)

This is from several days ago but when Kade ran in and said Ella was in top of the toy box I didn't believe him. Guess I was wrong!

We call her Godzilla, and it is obvious why from the picture!

Kade has played and played and played in his room this morning. I walked in to check on him and found this. Such a BOY!

Parking garage, fire station, and Bat cave. Oh and the longest line of hot wheels known to man. I love boys. Love them.

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January 20, 2013


This past week we had our second snow of the season! We were so excited! I knew it would all be melted when Kade got home from school so we went out to play before I took him, he was a snow maniac again! Ella was frozen stiff and just wanted me to hold her. I can't blame her because it was cold! Hopefully we have at least one more snow before spring arrives!

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January 15, 2013

New Years Resolution- Lifestyle photos

One of my New Year's resolution was to take more lifestyle pictures of my kids. I pretty much only pull out my big camera if I have a planned shoot for them and rely on my iPhone for everyday photos of the kids and our everyday life. I love the iPhone for the great camera and editing tools that it can provide but you really can't replace the quality of my big Canon camera and lens. I have decided that more often throughout the year I was going to use it during play time, at the park, aquarium, zoo, grocery store, mall, post office, or wherever our day to day life takes us. It is one of my main New Year resolutions. I am excited to watch how I progress throughout the year and see how I grow creatively. Needless to say, this is the resolution that I am most looking forward to!

I thought after nap time yesterday was the perfect time to start! No directing them what to do, just letting them do what they normally do after nap!

Ella checks to make sure her bellybutton is still there no less than 87 times a day. 

I will say, I don't normally let Kade just on the furniture but I was trying to pretend I wasn't there. AND he was having fun, so I mean, come on...

When Ella plays peepie, she covers her ears instead of eyes. It is our favorite thing EVER!

Mack, Mater, and McQueen might as well be members of our family.