March 28, 2012


Ella had started giving us kisses! It is sooooo cute! And once she starts, she will give you at least 7-8 kisses in a row! It makes me laugh so hard!!! I'll give her one first and then she comes back at me, eyes closed, mouth wide open, drool everywhere and gives you a big sloppy kiss on your face! She will pull back for a second and do it over and over in a row! Sweet sweet girl!!!!

Also, sister has been destroying her bed! And I keep finding her using her bumper pads as a pillow! LOVE HER!

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While working in the yard this weekend, I saw this bright green caterpillar moving across the front porch. I called Kade over to take a look and without hesitation he reached down to pick it up. Scared that it might be poisonous or hurt him, I made him drop it immediately. I gave him and stick to pick the caterpillar up and he did! He was so proud! And loved watching him climb up and down the stick!

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Little swimmer

We spent the day at Nanny's the other day while my house was getting a much needed deep clean! Kade kept asking to swim, but I told him it was too cold over and over. He looked at me and said, "mama it's HOT outside!" to give him credit it was 85 degree outside. So I put his suit on and told him he had to stay on the shallow part that is only a few inches deep. He is crazy! The water was freeeezing! He would get in and hold his breath so I know he was cold! But he had a blast and played in and out of the water for a long time! And I got a little tan!

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My little Spring babies

We worked hard on our yard this weekend, which means pictures of my kids by my new spring flowers!

Ella supervised the yard work!

Love these babies!

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March 19, 2012


On Sunday, March 17, Ella crawled across the living room for the first time! It took her forever but she did it! She didn't do much else the rest of the day, but today she is all over the place! I can't believe how big she is getting!

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When did you learn to do that?

Last Friday, I walked into Ella's room first thing in the morning and found her sitting up! It kind of scared me because I wasn't expecting it! Sure she can sit by herself but we always have to put her in that position. Big girl did this all on her own! That same day I saw her do it several other times as well! I ran and got my camera!!!

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Kade- 2.5 year pictures

I have been planning this photo shoot for a while. More exactly, I have been planning this photo shoot since I was 7 months pregnant with Kade and I received these cute rain boots and jacket as a baby gift! I figured this was the perfect opportunity to take Kade's 2.5 year pictures. To say I loved how these came out would be an understatement. I love this little boy so much!!!

linking up with Kelly's Korner

Ella- 6 month pictures

Ella and I went out about a month or so ago and took her 6 month pictures. I love this little girl!

linking up with Kelly's Korner

March 13, 2012

Shopping carts..

at SAMs are way more fun (and practical!) than regular shopping carts! They love getting to sit next to each other!!

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March 12, 2012

Little Artist

I know to most this picture won't look like much. But to us it is a big deal. Up until recently if Kade was coloring or painting he scribbled all over the page. But recently he realized he must color the pictures on the page. And as of last night he was working hard on making them be the correct color. He was using his watercolors and he painted this picture! In the movie Sally is a purplish grey color! And look at the wheels! Proud mom moment!

Then he decided Sally needed a crown! So he painted one on her "head" :)

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We took Kade to go see the Lorax the other night and it was so much fun! He has been to the movies twice before but this was our first time as a family to go. It was SO nice actually having something to go do on a Friday night :) Kade did great and loved the movie! Ella was a champ too, slept the entire time!!

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Bump it

We were getting ready to run errands the other day and I was wanting to take a picture of Kade and Ella. Kade had other plans. He had an important lesson to teach Ella.

It went a little something like this, "Ella, first you bump it then you blow it up.."

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Random pics of the kids from my phone!

We were driving through the carwash. He loves the idea of going, but is a little bit nervous until we are finished!

Pajama day at school!

After rocking and rocking, then letting out a scream of frustration, Ella hikes her leg up like this. Every single time.

Wearing Bryan's shoes :)

Love this silly boy :)

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