May 8, 2013

Europe Day 7: Prague --> Munich

On day 7, we got up EARRRRRRLY to be at the train station in time to catch our bus to Munich. The bus ride to Munich was beautiful, yet again. I could sit and stare at the German countryside FOREVER. It is just breathtaking! We arrived in Munich around lunch time and quickly found our hotel. For whatever reason I didn't expect much out of Munich. In reality, we were staying there because it was central for some side trips we wanted to take. We only had half a day to spend in Munich and in my head that was more than enough. I COULDN'T have been more wrong! I LOVED MUNICH! A lot of the city had been rebuilt after the war, but it was still so beautiful! We toured the old town and really loved the atmosphere of the city. After a while we went to this market in the center of town that had a biergarten and localy breweries switched out every few weeks. It was fun! I love being places "less touristy." There were tons of locals sitting and have beers and it was so fun! After that, we walked over to the very very touristy Hofbrauhaus and a beer and dinner there! It was fun, even though very touristy! On a side note- while we were at Hofbrauhaus I ran into an old friend from High School's parents! Such a small world! We are dinner, listened to the band, had a beer and then headed back to the hotel for the night! Tomorrow would be my most anticipated day of the trip!!

Breakfast and coffee outside the Prague main train station

Beautiful Munich

Kade and Ella ate approximately 93277 giant pretzels on this trip. But I don't blame them. They were DELISH!

No worries, we enjoyed the German beer but were totally responsible with the 3 and 1 year old tagging along with us :)

Touristy it may be, but we had a lot of fun at Hofbrauhaus!

Looks like little sister loves Rick Steve's like I do :)

At this point in our trip, Ella realized she had to nap where ever she could find a spot to lay down. In this case, a German beer hall filled with loud tourists :)


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