February 21, 2015

Baby #3!

Coming this August!! We are all so excited and can't wait to meet this little person who will complete our family! 

A few things to remember about this third little one... 

• This has easily been the hardest pregnancy thus far. The sickness and exhaustion have done me in. I'm 14 weeks and keep waiting for those things to subside, any day now I hope! Come on second trimester energy! 

• I feel like this pregnancy is going to fly by. In August we will celebrate our anniversary, Kade's 6th birthday, Ella's 4th birthday, Kade will start kindergarten, and Ella will start preschool. Somewhere in the midst of all that we will welcome this baby. Get ready Baby 3 and welcome to the craziness! Haha!

• The kids are really, really excited. Especially Kade because he really understands the idea of the entire thing. He has been saying a lot of things like "when our baby is here" and "we need to get this and that for our baby" I love that he keeps saying "our baby".. It totally melts me. :)

• Kade wants a brother, but doesn't have any name suggestions. Ella wants a sister and if it's a boy she says she wants him named Number 2 and if it's a girl she wants to name her Number 5. We have no idea, but I thinks it's so funny! 

• We aren't finding out the gender with this one and we are so excited about it. We are just excited about the anticipation of finding out on delivery day and most importantly just want a healthy baby. Adding either to the family would be like icing on the cake.


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