March 29, 2016


Baseball season has started! Ella is playing tball for the first time and she is so excited! She kept saying "it's finally my turn!!" She has been to two practices and is doing so well! She is listening to her coaches and following the rules and that is more than we can ask for. She is playing on the same team with a bunch of her friends so it has been really fun to watch. 

Kade is playing machine pitch but missed his first practice because we were out of town so he starts this Thursday and he can't wait! This season all the boys had to be evaluated because they were splitting the league up into an A league and a B league. We found out that Kade made the A league and will be playing with a lot of boys who are quite a bit older than him. We are so proud of him and can't wait to see how much he learns this season! 


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